Sunday, 13 November 2011

Teaching at the Telerik Academy

Last week I joined to the group of lecturers in the Telerik Academy (Bulgarian site), a school operated by the company I currently work for, Telerik, which offers a variety of technological courses for free, for anyone who is interested to learn. And it seems many people are interested. Literally hundreds. The courses are aimed for people without any prior knowledge or experience, and cover a wide range of software-related subjects, such as programming languages, web technologies for frontend and backend development, software testing and others.

Some of the motivated students with the best grades are offered to join the company at the end of the course for a variety of positions. Others can still enjoy the training which is presented by experienced software engineers and obtain a professional programming skills which they can use in any way they want, absolutely free of any charge. Some of the courses are accompanied by books which are available in their digital format for free as well, such as the C# fundamentals book which accompanies the course I am teaching.

I love teaching. I've been teaching and managing professional programming courses as far back as 1998. When I heard about the courses in the Telerik Academny, I was happy to propose myself as a lecturer and even happier to know that I'm accepted to join the staff.

The lessons of the course I teach, Programming Fundamentals with C#, are being screen-recorded and uploaded to the course site. Here is a recording of the first lesson, Introduction to programming, which presents some fundamental background about the .NET framework, basics of the C# language and the Visual Studio development environment.

And here is the second lesson, Primitive data types and variables, covering the basics data types, why different types are important, and how to use variables.